Good manufacturing practice, more commonly known as GMP is followed to ensure that the quality standards of a product are not compromised during production. Hence, it ensures the continuous production of a product multiple times, but with the same controlled quality. GMP is done overall at once as the quality of a product cannot be controlled post-production, that is a product cannot be tested for quality purposes after it's manufactured.
GMP is supposed to cover everything that revolves around the method of manufacturing, which means that it is concerned with the quality of raw materials, machinery, hygiene, safety, production and much more. World Health Organization has laid down set specifications and guidelines that ensure the quality standard of a product in accordance with GMP. GMP regulations, enforced by the legislation require manufacturers, processors and packagers, especially that of medicines or medical devices to take actions ensuring the safety, hygiene and effectiveness of their product.
Even though the GMP and ISO quality standard systems are different entities altogether, the format and the guidelines they follow have an uncanny similarity, which often gets confused with an ISO certification being an easy follow-up after receiving a GMP compliance. Although, the difference between a GMP compliance and ISO certification is that there are set regulations and requirements which need to be followed in a GMP compliance.
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